The operetta, Die Fledermaus (The Bat), tells the story of a society that only comes alive after dark. The flamboyantly voluptuous Rosalinde arranges to meet her former lover after her husband, Gabriel von Eisenstein, is ordered to prison. Eisenstein is diverted to a party at Prince Orlofsky’s villa by Dr. Falke, and through a series of false identities, Falke cruelly stage-manages events to expose the sexual hypocrisy of Vienna society.

The original source for Die Fledermaus is a farce by German playwright Julius Roderich Benedix (1811-1873), Das Gefängnis (The Prison).

Music by Johann Strauss II (1825-1899)

Strauss Family Society webpage

Rosalinda Eisenstein Jane Pegler
Gabriel Eisenstein Geoff Porter
Adele Jan Mather
Doctor Falke John Paul McCrohon
Alfred Brydon Baker
Frank William Dawson
Prince Orlofsky Guy Smither
Ida Kate Davey
Doctor Blint Alan Jenkins
Gentlemen's Chorus Bob Clarke, Tony Doye, John Haig, Steve Guermonprez, John McLaughlin, Garry Sherrington, Gerry Smith, Barry Tester
Ladies Chorus Sonia Atkinson, Claire Broadley, Yvonne Jenkins, Val Leopold, Margaret McIntyre, Linda Smither, Laura Underwood, Eileen Walker
Dancers Caroline Archer, Tanya Bourner, Julia Brown, Charlotte Camp, Kate Langrish, Sarah Lockhart, Peta Mewett, Helen Stoddart
Chorus of Maids Jayne Bushnell, Lesley Hasker, Trish Pring, Sandra Tucker, Sue Wright
Producer & Choreographer Audrey Pring
Musical Director Alan Pring
Assistant Producer Julia Brown
Official Accompanists Jean Porter, Paul Mizen, David Russell
Stage Director Colin D Justice
Stage Manager Michael Williams
Assistant Stage Managers George Hyde & Lee Stoddart
Stage Crew Steve Bundey, Peter Langrish, Roy Luke, Ian Matthews, Chris Munday, George Philpott, Tom Potts, Dennis Redding, Simon Roe, Marc Scott, John Simnett
Head Flyman Rick
Fly Crew Norman Price, Kate Evans, Tony Lee-Wright, Gary Townley, Darren Garland
Sound Mitchell Sound (Steve & Kathy Oldfield)
Lighting Design Ian & Theresa Pratt
Property Mistresses Maureen Francis, Sheila Justice
Property Assistants Sheila Stoddart, Emily Street, Sally White, Victoria Jowett, Andy Oakley
Wardrobe Co-ordinator Carole Gennings
Hair and Make-up Christine Wenzel
Hair and Make-up Assistants Rosemary Luke, Marion Williams, Penny Warren
Publicity Steve Guermonprez, Alan Jenkins, Sarah Lockhart, Jane Pegler, David Best (Hospital Radio)
Front of House Photographs Ivan Saunders
Programme Design & Production Steve Guermonprez, Clare Wallace
Die Fledermaus cover design Guy Smither
Ticket Controller Anita Waterhouse
Ticket Assistants Pat Wallace and Linda Smither
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Violins Nuala Land, Chris Davis, Matt Denison, Gill Tolliday, Judy Taylor, Gerry Salway, Rod Preston, Pat Ryan, Anna Pring
Viola Alan Barr
Cello Nigel McNestrie
Bass Stuart Gay
Trumpet Roger Hammond
Trombone Dave Thomas
Horn Allan Mead
Flute Dave Thomas
Clarinets Robert Blanken, Emma Counter
Oboe Irene Pragnell
Bassoon Bob Metcalf
Percussion George Race